Igor & LeAnna
Why we want to be parents:
We’ve always dreamt of having children and sharing every aspect of our lives with them. We look forward to watching them learn and grow into happy and fulfilled adults.
What activities do we look forward to doing with a child:
We look forward to bringing them along with us on our hiking trips, and enjoying the outdoors together.
The people/pets who make up our family:
We have two great pyrenees dogs named Hodor and Doris and a cat named Mabel.
Our ethnic/cultural background:
Igor is Ukrainian and LeAnna is Irish and English.
Family celebrations that are important to us:
We love celebrating Christmas. Our house is always decorated from top to bottom.
Any religious identification:
We are Christians.
Fun activities we like to do:
We love to go hiking and to explore new places. We get a lot of joy from working in the garden together and taking care of the animals on our farm. We love reading books, and visiting book stores is one of our favorite pastimes.
Where we live:
We live on a small farm just outside of town.
Here are a few fun facts about each of us:
Igor is always finding something new to renovate on our house. He enjoys reading books and spending time outdoors. LeAnna loves gardening and crocheting.
One thing we would like the birth family to know about us/why we would be good parents:
We are very loving and hard-working people. We would do everything in our power to give a child a wonderful life. We would love to show them the world as we explore new places together and patiently teach them how to overcome any challenges that life may throw their way.